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WE Are All Shimmering Souls



We are all here embarking on our earth journey, and in the busy-ness of life, at some point we come to a realisation that we need to return to ourselves, to reconnect and remember who we are. 


It is so easy to become lost in all the noise of modern life.  How precious it is to find those special moments where we can pause, where we can breathe, and find stillness of the mind.  In the calm, we can hear the collective consciousness, the cosmic whispers that remind us who we are and and what our gift to the world is. 


The healing power of yoga is evident in its ability to connect us to our bodies, our minds and our souls.  I know that with regular yoga practice, I feel calmer in my mind, stronger in my body and my soul feels nourished.  And with this, comes a feeling of gratitude and contentment. 


I choose to teach to share my love of yoga by offering classes that are friendly and welcoming, and without the feeling of judgement or intimidation. We are all different, and everyone moves in their own way as their bodies allow them.  As a teacher, I am there to guide you to make small adjustments to your alignment and posture to enable you to grow and improve your practice, and you only need to take from this what resonates with you. 


Focus on combining movement with breath, and moving with purpose to your own ability, and over time, regular practice will lead to the gradual building of strength, flexibility and balance not only of the body, but in your whole being. 


This is your practice, your time on the mat.  You are in a safe space, and know that yoga is so much more than what your body can or cannot do.  If you are moving curiously into the world of yoga for the first time, I invite you to trust in the universe that has led you here, and be open to stepping into something new.  Let go of the idea that you need to be "good" at yoga and surrender to the experience. 


After all, we are all shimmering souls who are here to shine.

love and laughter always,




Hot Yoga 26 & 2

Vinyasa Flow

Flow Space Yoga



Kundalini Yoga

Hatha Yoga



Yoga Nidra

Adi Yogpeeth

Rishikesh, INDIA


Yin Yoga

Akasha Yoga Academy





Jikiden Reiki WA



Yoga Alliance

Registered Yoga Teacher


Amanda RYT500
Shimmering Souls

"Your own
is the greatest service you can

render the world."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

reach out

0467 613 070

Classes held at the

Wellness Studio at Indah Day Spa

12 Lewis Street, Geraldton, Western Australia

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